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reset Feb 2005
We now have the Junior drawings scanned and on CD
and will send a CD to you, at cost, £5.00 UK and £6.50 overseas.
Other Designs
Eventide Senior Wild Duck Goosander Waterwitch Mouette Unidentified Kylix
3 Tonner Storm 26 Riptide 31 M.G. Designs Lone Gull II's Friends Barbican and Atlantic Clipper
We are indebted to Bob Jackson for this 1969 picture of his Junior taken in Brisbane Australia. At 70 years old he's planning to build another one - good for you Bob! | ||
Another Junior Sailing Dinghy!!!!
This boat was advertised in 2004 on E-Bay. the young chap selling it
and the purchaser were in touch. We hope to have more pics of the boat
when it is refurbished. There are not too many
about these days, so we are hoping to see more pics in the near future.
Well here are the pics! Well worth waiting for. April 2005 and Scotty has, true to his word, sent these two nice pictures of his Junior, rigged and wet! Well done! We hope Scotty is going to send a few more in so we can see a few more details of this rare class.!! There were never that many about, and this is only the second we have pictures of. Long may she give pleasure! April 05, more pics in, thanks Scotty! It floats, but does that Seagull go? Judging by the grin, and the wash, it does! All in all a nice selection of pics of a Junior. We wonder how many others are out there... They were often built as a trial to see if building a boat was a possibility for a prospective owner. I heard of a few used as row boats only, but the owners went on to build bigger! |
John Stevens snapped this little gem at St. Oysth, Essex. He thinks it is a Junior with a Senior type cabin on top! A 'Jenior' he calls it! We are trying to find out more! | ||
No it is not a Junior! But is is a Kenneth Gibbs design, a 14 ft clinker dinghy Ian Skinner used to own years ago. Pics courtesy of Ian. | ||
Built at Shepperton on the Thames it was design 142, boat number 49. | ||
Does anyone know what the design was called? August 2011, we have just learnt of another, same design number hull/sail number 82. Pics to follow. |
Junior 376, for sale on eBay August 11th 2011. | ||
Click here to see the auction. | ||
At the moment the price is under £500..... | ||
Hopefully the new owner will join us now the seller has been informed what he is selling.... | ||
You have to admit it is a nice looking dinghy! | ||
These pics came in from Peter Best and they are of another Gibbs design. 'Khali' is believed to be a Teddington One Design! | ||
Unnamed Junior! The YM Junior I have acquired is complete,
but in a rather sad condition having been stored in a large shed for the
last 20 years, collecting rubbish and with swallows nesting above! Added a couple more pictures, of the boat on trailer with decks removed awaiting repair. Note the buoyancy bags, a good idea!
John |
The details
below are in Icelandic, but you get the general picture! We have a
junior sailing in Icelandic waters! |
žessarar geršar seglbįta var meš žeim hętti aš enska tķmaritiš
Yacting Monthly fékk
Kenneth M. Gibbs įriš 1959
til aš hanna svokallašan ,,öruggan
seglbįt fyrir unglinga. Žessi seglbįtur įtti einnig aš geta boriš tvo
fulloršna. Įvöxturinn var lķtill seglbįtur, sem var 13 fet og 6 tommur og
var tegundin kölluš Y.M. JUNIOR,
heppilegur til heimasmķši fyrir sęmilega laghent fólk. Keyptu menn
gjarnan teikningu af bįtnum og segl frį seglaframleišendum įsamt smķšaviš og
fóru meš allt dótiš heim ķ bķlskśr og smķšušu sér nżjan Y.M. Junior. Ekki
var žessi bįtur hannašur sem keppnisbįtur en eftir žvķ sem honum fjölgaši į
Bretlandi var fariš aš keppa į svona bįtum. Bįturinn er
meš svoköllušu ,,Bermudian sloop rig sem er fyrirkomulag seglanna į bįtnum
og er hann yfirbyggšur aš framan og aš aftan eins og sést į žessum
bįt og meš lķtinn öldubrjót į framdekkinu. Žaš er fellikjölur į bįtnum, sem
er settur nišur žegar bįtnum er siglt. Eins er stżriš žannig śtbśiš aš žaš
eru lišamót į žvķ og žegar er komiš aš landi eša upp ķ fjöru žį lyftist
stżriš um lišamótin og ristir bįturinn žvķ mjög grunnt. Hįr
boršstokkur og dekkfrįgangur og annaš fyrirkomulag er til žess hannaš, aš
įhöfn žurfi ekki aš vera stöšugt sullandi ķ vatni eša sjó mešan į siglingu
stendur eins og er oft į lęgri bįtum. Žį er stašsetning bómunnar žannig aš
aušvelt er aš tjalda žar yfir t.d. ef um śtilegu er aš ręša. Aušvelt er
fyrir tvo, aš sjósetja bįtinn og taka hann į land į kerru.
er skemmtilegur og mjög lķflegur bįtur aš sigla innfjarša og į stöšuvötnum. Žessi bįtur
FÉLAGINN var smķšašur um
1990 af fulloršnum manni į
Seltjarnarnesinu eftir teikningum frį Bretlandi. Seglin eru frį virtum
breskum framleišanda J. Holt og
merkir hann framleišslu sķna meš lķtilli raušri skśtu sem er saumuš fremst
og nešst į seglin. (Žess mį geta aš seglin į Paradķs stęrstu skśtu NÖKKVA,
eru einnig frį J.Holt.) Nokkru eftir
aš gamli mašurinn hafši smķšaš litlu skśtuna sķna varš hann fyrir įfalli og
bannaši fjölskylda hans aš sį gamli fengi aš sigla og var bįturinn geymdur
inni ķ um 5 įr. 1996 keypti
Įsgeir Hallgrķmsson, pķpari bįtinn og kom meš hann noršur. Var hann
lengstum meš bįtinn į Ljósavatni.
Įsgeir breytti bįtnum lķtillega, setti undir hann lįgan kjöl aš aftanveršu,
og höld undir bįtinn, sem hęgt er aš hanga į ef honum dytti nś ķ hug aš snśa
botninum upp, sem hann hefur ekki gert ennžį. Žį ,,mixaši Įsgeir
mótorfestingu aftan į bįtinn. Įriš
2003 keypti Jón Magg bįtinn
og gerši hann upp og fékk hann žį nafniš
FÉLAGINN og hefur honum veriš
siglt hér į Pollinum og allt til Svalbaršseyrar og reynst bara vel og žarf
ótrślega lķtinn vind til aš sigla honum.
Tękniupplżsingar: Y.M. JUNIOR Heildarlengd:
13 fet og 6 tommur. Masturslengd:
5,80 m. Segla og
reišafyrirkomulagr: Bermudan rig.
J. Holt, Bretlandi
vatnslķnu: LWL 12 fet og 5 tommur. Stefni:
5 fet Djśprista meš
kjöl nišri 3 fet. Seglaflötur:
100 fet2. Smķšaįr
1990- Seltjarnarnes Hönnušur:
Kenneth M. Gibbs. Hannaš fyrir:
Yachting Monthly ķ London 1959.
Eigandi: Jón Magg,
Akureyri. |