An Eventide heart but a Senior Wallet
Posted: Mon February 14th, 2011, 11:05 pm
The title pretty much sums it up . After a week of reading here i just came to the conclusion that while i love the eventide i will probably have to build a Senior . I live in Morocco and coming to the UK to buy an older boat just isn't in the cards (or the wallet) Will also probably get The selway stitch and glue plans to go with the cd when i order and i just might junk rig it too. The junk rig has been improved as to going to windward and it is a sailing rig that lets you reef instantly . Only those that knew ken would know if he would have minded but from the philosphy of the group it seems that whatever is safe and gets you out cruising is a good thing. Its a 7 hour drive from Casa to the med but there are some spots there that would be sweet from a senior and just 7 or 8 miles from Gibralter, my senior might just make it to UK territory at that . What lovely boats