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« Thread Started on 2/8/04 at 17:36 » [Quote] [Modify] [Delete]
Has anyone put an Volvo MD2B or an engine of equivalent size, into an Eventide 26 before? Apart from chopping away some of the floors and extending into the cabin too far, restricting access, are these engines really practical for a boat of this size? Opions and options welcome.
Rgds Paul Usher
« Reply #1 on 2/11/04 at 4:52 » [Quote] [Modify] [Delete]
Hi Paul, How many horses is the MD2?
I have heard of some pretty hefty motors in Eventides, it is just a case of how much room do you want to give over to a lump?
18hp is about as much as you need, I have seen a Perkins 4/108 in a E.26, very much over kill! went like a powerboat, but the payback was trying to get over the brute to get into the boat!
From memory the Volvo is big?!
There must be some one out there with one however...
Good luck.
« Reply #2 on 2/17/04 at 10:38 » [Quote] [Modify] [Delete]
The MD2B is 23-25 HP with 2 cylinders and a big fly wheel. I have decided to sell it on as although I could fit it, it would just take up too much room and the drop from drive line to the bottom of crankcase is to much for an easy installation. I would really like a balanced diesel which is smaller. So anyone out there got a second hand 12-18HP diesel for sale?
Rgds Paul
Fitting engines in Eventide 26
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