Copied from the old board
« Thread Started on 2/24/04 at 3:15 » [Quote] [Modify] [Delete]
Hello eveyone, as promised I have rewritten the article I did many moons ago about setting up the rigging on our boats.
It actually covers most boats!
It is based on the advice that I first used many years ago, contained in a Y.M. publication. 'Sail Power'.
I have put it on the main site in 'Hints and Tips' under the rigging section.
« Reply #1 on 1/5/05 at 13:51 » [Quote] [Modify] [Delete]
I have just come in from a cold trip to Burnham. Here I saw an Eventide where the rig was so over done last year, the heads door would not shut. There were too many lower shrouds, all too tight.
I am happy to say the door swings freely now and with the mast beam re enforced it should be OK when the rig if adjusted correctly next spring!
If you have a problem like this worth reading the article and chcking with us on the rigging.
Regards To all,
« Reply #2 on 11/18/05 at 13:14 » [Quote] [Modify] [Delete]
Several months ago I bought an Eventide 26 which needs quite a lot of revamping, (most of which is now done.) The rigging still needs to be replaced. As I usually sail single handed I have often thought of a Ketch rig. I have never seen an Eventide with a ketch or yawl rig, does anyone know if there is one about or don't you think it would work ? Ketch does allow a single hander to sail with reduced canvas.
My boat is of double diagonal construction which is comparatively rare I believe. It is at the moment called "Lorelei". I will probably change the name as I understand it is the name of a mermaid who entices boats onto the rocks !!!!!!! The boat is now located on the Wirral, thought to have been built about 1975. Does anyone know it's history ? Paul
« Reply #3 on 11/18/05 at 17:45 » [Quote] [Modify] [Delete]
Hello Paul,
If the sail number is 628 I think I have some history on her! I have not looked as yet to see if you have registered an interest with us, but would be nice if you did, then we could tie up our history with your baot and J.S. our data base man can add you to the growing list!
As for ketch or Yawl, it is not often done, for good reason. the baots are far better balanced as cutters, of with the correct modifications, sloops. The addition of anothe mast aft creates huge weatherhelm problems, unless the whole boat rig is redesigned, from the keel up... Not worth the hassle. The sai areas are so small in our sails they are easiy handled alone, with the benifit that as a balanced boat she will look after the crew as well, sailing with only a moderate hand on the helm!
Contact the EOG via the website for more on your boat or on the rig,
Fiddler's Green.
« Reply #4 on 11/19/05 at 13:26 » [Quote] [Modify] [Delete]
John, Thanks for your swift reply, you are right I will stick with the bermudan rig. I have bought a second hand 30ft aluminium mast & boom.
The sail number is 628. Don't know what you mean when you ask if I have registered an interest in you ?
I bought the boat from an Ian Thomas who only had it a few months and didn't have time to do anything with it. He was going to call her "Lucky Duck" but didn't get round to it. Prior to him the boat belonged to Keith Kirby. We are all resident on the Wirral and all belong to the West Cheshire Sailing Club.
« Reply #5 on 11/20/05 at 6:35 » [Quote] [Modify] [Delete]
Hi Paul,
I will have to put it in a bigger box! On the home page of the EOG site, left hand side a little way down is a red box with, Register an Interest with us'. It is a means of us getting to know who is interested and who owns our boats. Not at all compulsory, but it helps us keep a track on the boats.
By this means we have traced over a dozen craft that have never come to notice before, so we can review our estimates of the numbers that might have been built.
No 628 is listed as 'Lorelei', in one of my records, it indeed did belong to Mr. Kirby. Indeed the last owner had registered it with us too, nice to have continuity!
hopefully you can send in a pic or two to add to the gallery too!
Hope to hear from you,
John Williams
« Reply #6 on 11/20/05 at 6:53 » [Quote] [Modify] [Delete]
Hi Paul,
Just a quick note in response to a comment re the mast. The correct size of mast for a 26 Eventide is 32' 6" so yours may be a little short for the standard sails... Can it be lengthened?
Sometimes it is possible to add a section, just beneath the masthead would be ideal. You would have to find a suitable section from a mast maker, to sleeve into your mast, then rivet it in place.
Hope this helps,
« Reply #8 on 11/20/05 at 9:08 » [Quote] [Modify] [Delete]
Hi John.
The boat had an old wooden mast of 32ft which is now suspect. Although my ali mast is 30ft 1 inch the luff of the mainsail is 27ft which hopefully will give me a little bit of room on top for blocks and approx 2'3'' for the boom at the bottom. The mast has already been extended as you suggest. I now need fittings to join spreaders to the mast, but I think I can make these after the new year. Thanks for your note,
« Reply #9 on 11/20/05 at 9:25 » [Quote] [Modify] [Delete]
Hi John Williams,
I can't find your little red box on my screen when I click on the "Home" page. (I'm not very bright you know !!!!!) I need more instructions (or therapy)
« Reply #10 on 11/20/05 at 13:28 » [Quote] [Modify] [Delete]
Hi John Williams
Found your little red box, filled in all the info but keep getting "error 404" several people have tried but no luck. Will try again another day
« Reply #11 on 11/24/05 at 6:13 » [Quote] [Modify] [Delete]
Hi Paul, Glad to see the box now works! Got your registration OK, you should have had a welcome letter!
We have had a great deal of anguish with our service provider, they placed the website in an environment where it could not function properly.... We are still having slight problems, however one of our members has stepped forward to assist, and though he is in Auastralia, by the wonder of wizzy stuff it is just as if he were round the corner! Hopefully no further hic cups!
Look forward to adding a pic or two to the gallery!
« Reply #12 on 11/27/05 at 6:00 » [Quote] [Modify] [Delete]
Hello everyone,
If you read my previous notes, I have mentioned the idea of a ketch rig on my Eventide 26. John (Fiddlers Green) doesn't seem to think it's a very good idea, (you may well be right John) but I've spoken to a couple of local "old hands" who say why not, and I keep thinking about it.
I do like the idea of a two masted boat & there's loads of room in the cockpit for a mizzen mast. I've drawn a scale outline on graph paper and to me a ketch rig looks very attractive on an Eventide hull.
Has anyone had any first hand experience of this idea or seen a ketch on an Eventide anywhere or perhaps made a similar alteration on another type of boat ?
« Reply #13 on 2/16/06 at 7:40 » [Quote] [Modify] [Delete]
FOR SALE. Eventide 26 mainsail. size 27ft luff. 30ft leach, 12ft foot, old but sound. (I'm changing to gaff rig) £100, buyer collects from New Brighton, Wirral, Cheshire. telephone
0151 639 6714 anytime
« Reply #14 on 2/16/06 at 7:50 » [Quote] [Modify] [Delete]
FOR SALE 30 ft aluminium mast and boom. oval section, not bad condition but needs fittings. price £75 for both.
lying New Brighton, Wirral Cheshire. Buyer collects. telephone 0151 639 6714.
Setting up the rig
Moderators: Eventide Owners Group, Piskie, chris s